Our Blog
Beyond the Beans: Jessica Hurtado
By: Brittany Leslie – Wholesale Account Manager and Educator, Kéan Coffee This week I sat down with Kean Coffee barista, Jessica Hurtado. Jessica shares with us her coffee journey which started with café con leche in her family’s kitchen and has taken her all the way to a coffee farm in Costa Rica. For Jessica, working in coffee and interacting with the coffee community has created an atmosphere of learning and joy found in pulling the perfect shot of espresso while working with the best people behind the bar. What is your role at Kéan Coffee and how long have …
Beyond the Beans: Meet Mike Lilly
By: Brittany Leslie – Wholesale Account Manager and Educator, Kean Coffee This week we sat down with Tustin coffeehouse shift lead, “Coach” Mike Lilly. Since he started working with Kéan Coffee, Mike has become a senior barista and also a new dad! We talk about his coffee experience, what it’s like to be a coach in the coffeehouse and on the field, and more. How long have you worked with Kean Coffee and what is your position? I am a senior barista and shift lead. I have been working at Kean Coffee since 2016. I grew up in Tustin/Santa Ana …
Beyond the Beans: Thamer Bajjali
By: Brittany Leslie – Wholesale Account Manager and Educator, Kean Coffee This week I sat down with one of our wholesale Roastery team, Thamer Bajjali. Thamer found his passion for coffee after his first sip of a doppio cappuccino at our Newport Beach coffeehouse. From coffeehouse guest to wholesale delivery driver to now roaster, he has come a long way in his coffee journey. Read more about how he became a roaster and how his coffee knowledge has developed with time. What is your position and how long have you worked with Kean Coffee? I am one of our wholesale …
Beyond the Beans: Monica Tenorio
By: Brittany Leslie – Wholesale Account Manager and Educator, Kean Coffee This week we were able to sit down and talk with Kean Coffee Tustin senior barista and shift lead, Monica Tenorio. As a staff leader, local activist, mom, and student, Monica is constantly impressing us with her work ethic and the amazing attitude that she brings to the team and our guests each day she is at the coffeehouse. What is your position and how long have you worked for Kean Coffee? I am a senior barista and shift lead and I have been working at Kean Coffee for …
Beyond the Beans: Mike Richardson
By: Brittany Leslie – Wholesale Account Manager and Educator, Kéan Coffee If you have ever been to Kéan Coffee in Newport Beach, it is highly likely that you have seen Mike behind the bar. Mike has been with Kéan Coffee since we first opened our doors in December 2005. Over those years Mike has become highly seasoned in his skills as a professional barista and grown close with our community in Newport Beach. Mike shares with us some of his many stories of how he first started as a barista, what it was like to compete and train under the …
Beyond the Beans: Eric Miyoda
By Brittany Leslie – Wholesale Account Manager and Educator, Kean Coffee In this week’s Beyond the Beans interview series, we get to know Eric Miyoda! Eric has been working at Kéan Coffee for six years now, each day working toward his goal of learning more about coffee and honing his skills. When he is not working on his latte art, he is working on his own graphic and physical art. Learn more about Eric’s coffee journey in our interview below. What made you decide to pursue a coffee career? What did your coffee journey look like before working at Kéan …
Beyond the Beans: Meet Samantha Brewer
By: Brittany Leslie – Wholesale Account Manager and Educator, Kean Coffee In this week’s Beyond the Beans interview series, we get to know Newport Beach barista, Samantha Brewer! Living up to her last name, Samantha has been brewing coffee and bringing smiles to guest’s faces with her cheerful attitude since 2016. She has recently returned over the summer to Kéan Coffee after finishing up her studies at San Francisco State University and we are so happy to have her strong barista skills back on bar. She tells us about her history with Kéan Coffee and how communication plays a role …
Beyond the Beans: Jaydon Charles
By: Brittany Leslie – Wholesale Account Manager and Educator, Kean Coffee In this week’s Beyond the Beans interview series, we talk to the man behind our most recent pour over YouTube video, Jaydon Charles. He has been working with Kéan Coffee for 6 years, taking on the roles of barista, roaster, and one of the Roastery managers. Jaydon grew up as a fan of Diedrich Coffee, drinking coffee as early as 3rd grade, and was not surprised to find himself diving into coffee behind the bar at our Tustin coffeehouse. He gives us insight into the roasting process and explains …
Beyond the Beans: an interview with Stephanie Summerville
Beyond the Beans: Stephanie Summerville By: Brittany Leslie – Wholesale Account Manager and Educator, Kean Coffee First working at Diedrich Coffee and then continuing her journey at Kean Coffee, Stephanie Summerville has mastered the flow behind the bar. Stephanie is currently the assistant manager at Kean Coffee, Newport Beach, where she has spent 9 years dialing in espresso to perfection, building lasting relationships with our coffeehouse guests, and being everywhere at once. She explains how she manages the coffeehouse’s busiest times and what she does in her free time. What first brought you to the coffee industry and how did …
Beyond the Beans: Kristin Lerner
By: Brittany Leslie – Wholesale Account Manager and Educator, Kean Coffee Meet Kristin Lerner. She has demonstrated her coffee skills by becoming certified through the SCA as a Brewer and Barista. We knew of her talent even without the certification, as she has been a long-time member of the Kéan Coffee family and trainer at our Tustin coffeehouse. Her years of training new and experienced baristas, world traveling, and having a sparkling personality make her an amazing teacher and communicator. Her expansive knowledge allows her to not only tell you what makes our Rwanda single origin so wonderful and the …
Beyond the Beans: An Interview with Ramone Valerio
With his coffee journey beginning at Kéan Coffee in 2010, Ramone has provided a decade of excellent service and skill as a barista. After becoming friends with so many of our regulars, many have probably wondered where he seems to disappear to for a few months out of the year. When he is not slinging expertly crafted espresso drinks at our Tustin coffeehouse, Ramone is touring around the country with his rock band, Dayseeker. He introduces to us the life of a barista, part-time musician, and dad.
Beyond the Beans: Michael Bingham
By: Brittany Leslie – Wholesale Account Manager and Educator, Kean Coffee From Barista, to Production Member, to Roaster. Michael never expected that his curiosity towards specialty coffee as a young teenager would end up setting him on the path of building a coffee career. Through 8 years of hard work and demonstrating his skills as a barista and Roastery team member, Michael continues to gain more coffee experience and knowledge that makes him a valuable member of our Kéan Coffee family. He shares his Kéan Coffee story with us and dives into his passions outside of the coffee realm. Can …
Beyond the Beans: Melissa & Sunep
By: Brittany Leslie – Wholesale Account Manager and Educator, Kean Coffee Let us introduce you to one of our Kean Coffee barista dream teams, Melissa Hufford and Sunep Ozukum from our Newport Beach coffeehouse! Our Newport team has been gifted with this talented couple hailing from Hawaii, USA and Nagaland, India, respectively. Sunep and Melissa shared with us their coffee journeys, favorite drinks, and more about themselves. What started your coffee journey? Melissa: “I’ve always loved coffee. I always thought latte art looked fun and that being a barista looked cool. Coffee first piqued my interest when I was living …
Making your home a Coffee-house: An Introduction to Home Brewing
Staying at home does not mean that you must give up your morning ritual of drinking fresh specialty coffee. This article will help home baristas and coffee newcomers alike. We will go over the procedures and brewing techniques for a home brewer, Hario v60, Chemex, and French Press.
Cold Brew vs Iced Pour Over
By: Gabe Venegas Wholesale Account Manager and Coffee Educator, Kean Coffee With summer rapidly approaching, we thought It would be fun to bring up the never-ending battle between Cold Brew vs Iced Pour Over. For this article, we’re not going to tell you which one is better than the other because, at the end of the day, coffee is all about flavor preference. Our main objective is to point you in the right direction depending on how you would like to enjoy your coffee and highlight what each brew method brings to the table… literally! Cold Brew The increasingly popular …
Guatemala February 2015: Shawn’s First Coffee Origin Trip
We have been a bit remiss in chronicling our Kean Coffee origin trips over the past several years…just too darn busy roasting coffee! At some point we will backtrack and share more of our adventures. But here, at least, Shawn Anderson, our wholesale division roaster, has shared some of his experiences on a recent trip he and Martin made. When we (Martin Diedrich and I) arrived in Guatemala City the first evening, I had no idea what to expect. After all, this was my first origin trip and, as I would soon find out, Guatemala City is in no way …
Meet the Barista: Ten Questions with GARRETT O’CONNOR
This is an ongoing series in which you will get to know a little bit more about the fine young men and women who prepare your coffee at Kean Coffee through a set of random interview questions. Garrett O’Connor has been part of the team at Kean Coffee Newport for a little under a year. Garrett loves working with people and honing his craft as a barista. He is multi-talented, multi-faceted, and witty. If he doesn’t pursue a career as a stand-up comic, he will certainly entertain those around him despite it. Garrett can always be counted on for a …
Recognize this guy? Meet Dwayne Carroll!
At Kean Coffee we love our regulars – our guests who come in so frequently and regularly, sometimes spanning many years, that we learn their names and they learn ours, often becoming good friends with our staff members. We value their input and enjoy learning more about them and hearing their stories. Meet Dwayne Carroll, a beloved regular at Kean Newport and Tustin! My first cup of Martin’s coffee was when the Diedrich Coffee opened at Marguerite Pkwy and Crown Valley in Mission Viejo. I was there on opening day. I remember the first manager – a very nice lady, …
Meet the Barista: Eight Questions with MANUEL RODRIGUEZ
This is an ongoing series in which you will get to know a little bit more about the fine young men and women who prepare your coffee at Kean Coffee through a set of random interview questions. Manuel “Manny” Rodriguez has been with Kean Coffee for two years, as a barista in our Newport coffeehouse. In addition to being an awesome barista, Manny is a successful college student who aspires to become a teacher. Whatever he is doing, Manny works hard and always strives for excellence, while at the same time keeping a great attitude. That’s why we love Manny! …
Meet the Barista: Eight Questions with RAMONE VALERIO
This is an ongoing series in which you will get to know a little bit more about the fine young men and women who prepare your coffee at Kean Coffee through a series of random interview questions. Ramone Valerio has been a barista at Kean Coffee Tustin for close to two years. Aside from being an awesome barista, Ramone is also a talented musician, and an extremely creative and all around great guy. When he isn’t making amazing coffee drinks for our guests, Ramone can also be found playing music with his fellow musicians in the coffeehouse. A true Renaissance man. That’s …
Meet the Barista: Eight Questions with BYRON PIERCE
This is the first in an ongoing series of blog entries in which you will get to know the fine young men and women who prepare your coffee at Kean Coffee through a set of random interview questions. We first shine the spotlight on Byron Pierce, a barista and shift manager who works at both our Newport Beach and Tustin coffeehouses. Byron has also recently begun acting as a barista trainer for Kean Coffee wholesale accounts, to rave reviews. Byron is extremely dedicated and passionate about what he does. Don’t let this tough guy in the photo fool you, Byron …
2012 Trips to Origin: Mike’s adventures in Costa Rica – a first person account
Mike Richardson has been with Kean Coffee since our doors first opened in late 2005, first as a barista, then becoming a manager and barista trainer. Mike is passionate about coffee and about what he does, and has participated in several barista competitions- three times competing in the Western Regional Barista Competition and the Ultimate Barista Competition, and once judging the WRBC. Below is his fascinating account of the trip to Costa Rica he went on this past April along with our roaster Ted Vautrinot, who was invited to judge for Costa Rica Cup of Excellence. Enjoy! Everyone has been …
Judging Guatemala Cup of Excellence 2011 – by Ted Vautrinot, Kean Coffee roaster
There is a special magic wafting through a room filled with passionate coffee professionals intent on finding the absolute best coffee from Guatemala’s crop this year. Every sniff, every slurp is carefully evaluated and scored- descriptions of honey, cherry, chocolate, caramel fill the margins as each coffee gets a meticulous assessment before moving on to the next possibility. I was fortunate to return to Central America to be a judge for Cup of Excellence Guatemala. Our 22 member international panel hailed from Japan, Germany, England, Australia, Russia, Korea, Canada, Morocco, Norway, and the U.S. Our purpose was to identify the …
Yemen Haraazi Supreme – a coffee pictorial from Martin Diedrich
The steep, rugged Haraaz Mountains of Northwestern Yemen are a world apart from the rest of the country. The terrain is dramatic, wild, rocky, and often inaccessible.The area has resisted the modern world and in the hinterlands one can still feel the pulse of medieval times. Ancient fortified hilltop villages of stone houses cling to the steep slopes, creating a near bibilical panorama. Rocky mountain slopes are carved with ingenious centuries-old stone terraces to preserve the scarce soil and precious rain in this dry region, in order to grow coffee. Approximately 500 families, living throughout the region, continue an unchanged tradition …
Musings of a Nicaragua Cup of Excellence Judge – by Ted Vautrinot, Head Roaster for Kean Coffee
April 26, 2010; Ocotal, Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua. Twenty four judges, all coffee professionals, focus beyond the 90 degree heat and humidity in the classroom/cupping lab to give their undivided attention to flight after flight of the very best coffees Nicaragua has to offer. Every detail is scored to a strict protocol on the journey to find the ten absolute best coffees in Nicaragua this year. The event is Cup of Excellence Nicaragua, and I am one of the international judges discovering these often stunning coffees. The panel hails from Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Central America, and the …
Yemen Mocca: Coffee, not Chocolate – by Martin Diedrich
If coffee were a tribe, Yemen Mocca would definitely be the shaman. Cappucino, Cafe Latte, or Cafe au Lait are unmistakably coffee beverages, while Cafe Mocha is thought of as a hot chocolate with coffee or espresso, or generally a chocolate based drink spiked with coffee. To get to the point of setting the record straight on this matter we must travel back intime to a distant corner of the globe. At the very Southern tip of the Arabian Penninsula, flanked by the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, is the remote country of Yemen. Coffee Arabica was named for …
A Roaster’s Eye View of Honduras by Ted Vautrinot, Kean Coffee
Lush mountainous rainforest, beautiful warm people, countless hectares of coffee, miles of rutted dirt roads, stunning Mayan antiquities; I experienced all these just days ago on my trip to Capucas, Honduras. I made the journey to view the coffee production firsthand and evaluate this year’s production at the cooperative. I found people that live a life I’d never imagined- difficult yet joyful and built on a commitment and love for producing coffee that continues to improve in quality. Little Feet, a non-profit whose mission is to provide soccer equipment and instruction all over the third world, made the …
Kean Coffee Barista Michael Richardson competes in WRBC 2009
The Western Regional Barista Competition for 2009 took place on January 23, 24 and 25 in Downtown Los Angeles, hosted by Intelligentsia Coffee in Silverlake. This is an intensive competition where talented, diehard baristas from all over California come to practice their craft and show their personal best in front of a panel of judges from the specialty coffee industry for the chance to obtain valuable professional feedback, see how they measure up, and possibly win a spot to go on to the national competition. Winners on the national level ultimately compete in the World Barista Championship, a title currently held by Ireland’s …
Kean Barista Janelle Bel Isle at the 2008 Ultimate Barista Challenge
In the interest of giving a thorough account of the event, we are posting here the official Press Release from the producers of the Ultimate Barista Challenge. Kean Coffee was very proud of our own Janelle Bel Isle for her performance in the UBC in August. She worked hard and reaped the rewards! The 2008 Ultimate Barista Challenge® USA in Los Angeles where local baristi attempt to oust USA Ultimate Barista Heather Perry! Portland, Oregon, USA – The 2008 Ultimate Barista Challenge USA features “dueling challenges” in Latte Art, Espresso Frappe, Espresso Cocktail and Best of Brew Challenges. The …
Our roaster Ted Vautrinot wins 1st place award at the 8th Annual Roasters Guild Retreat
Imagine yourself in a room with 200 people each intently slurping 135 examples of different roasts of just one single origin coffee. The 8th Annual Roasters Guild retreat in Minnesota which took place in late August of this year was a gathering of specialty coffee professionals who roast coffee as part of their job: sample roasting in origin countries, production roasting, green coffee brokers, and roaster manufacturers. The purpose was to hone roasting skills through classroom learning, cupping (tasting) coffees, sharing best practices with peers, and a hands-on competition using various brands of commercial roasters. Our roaster Ted Vautrinot attended, …